Fr. Maxwell 07-11-21 Weekly Letter

Fr. Nick and l are grateful for the
warm welcome so far received in the
cluster churches of St. Peter, St.
Patrick and St. John respectively, as
their newly appointed shepherd’s.
As the book of Hebrews says: “every
high priest is chosen from his fellow
men and appointed to serve God on
their behalf, to offer sacrifices and
offerings for sins. No one chooses for
himself this honor of being a high
priest but it’s only God’s call that a
man is made a high priest to serve
God just as Aaron was.” (Heb. 5:1ff).
We are therefore here as your servant
leaders. Nevertheless, your
cooperation and collaboration is
needed to make this become a reality.
It is God who always calls us, always
looks for us and always takes care of
each one of us personally, and as St.
Augustine puts it: “for you lam a
bishop and with you l am a Christian,”
so do Fr. Nick and l also say that “for
you we are your priests guiding you to
the heavenly kingdom, but with you
we are Christians like you doing God’s
will so as to be with him one-day in
Let us then collaborate with one
another in the different ministries in
our cluster churches, to continue
building a community of love, trust
and joy in the Lord and with one
May St. Peter the apostle and the rock
of our faith, St’s. Patrick and John, the
Evangelizers of the gospel, carrying
this faith to God’s people pray for us
now and the hour of our death. Amen.
God bless you all.
– Fr. Maxwell.

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